After A Long Day
Share This: After a long day, one of the first things we do is wash our hands of the dirt, grease, blood, and God knows what else we’ve soiled them with. Your hands don’t know if you grow organic
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Share This: After a long day, one of the first things we do is wash our hands of the dirt, grease, blood, and God knows what else we’ve soiled them with. Your hands don’t know if you grow organic
When we think of some of the deadliest jobs in America, we probably think of something a bit exotic and probably not so much about the dangers of Farming or Agriculture. Yet, here is a listing of 11 jobs that are some of the deadliest in America. You may be surprised by how many relate to farming.
A few years ago, my husband and I purchased 20 acres of land and a few cows. Our plan was to work on being small farmers, the kind of farmers with cows, chickens, and eventually vegetables and fruits. We wanted to sell them to the local community in our area. Things seems to be going well, but we had a lot to learn about farming…
Share This: Early blooms followed by unrelenting late freezes for Almond and Citrus farmers this season have threatened the industries throughout California, particularly in the northern regions. Almonds seem to be in the toughest spot, whereas citrus may have
President Trump got substantial support from California’s farmers and agribusiness industry during the 2016 Presidential campaign, despite the fact he advocated scrapping the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which is supported overwhelmingly by the farming and agribusiness sectors here in the Golden State and nationally.
Share This: Farm-To-Fork. By: Victor Martino First Farmer Singular: San Joaquin Valley farmer Joe L. Del Bosque on farming in California and World Ag Expo 2018. Each February the world of agriculture comes to the world’s largest agricultural region, the
Share This: I recently witnessed a couple of different people take rather benign conversation as personal attacks and wanted to address this for a second. I farm with my family on a farm that my grandparents started. I grow crops
Share This: I married the farmer’s daughter without any intention or knowledge of farming. I was a veteran software engineer making bank living in St. Louis raising 3 girls. About 10 years ago my father in law was injured so
Share This: With the uncertain political and economic climate we live in today, there is definitely one certainty at the least; farming today is anything but easy. Facing challenges with real estate, the EPA, water conservation, wild life conservation,
Share This: The Tulare Farm Show reports that the result are in for its annual “Top-10 New Products Competition, which has been sponsored by Bank of America this year. All the winners were showcased at the show, which is held