Buying and selling time……..
The farmer, the rancher, the timber man, and the fisher man, does not sell a commodity. The commodity may represent the profit or loss, but it is not what they sell.
They sell time. And they buy time.
They sell a commodity, after buying the time that was required to produce the commodity.
The labor costs for employees is set.
The cost for equipment is set, as it is representative of the time and materials required to produce the equipment.
The seed cost is set, by those who develop and refine the seeds.
The Ag producer sells his or her time. And the value of the time is beyond their control.
The land we utilize and preserve, has value based upon the value of our time. And yet the taxation remains constant.
Is a thousand hours per acre of labor worth $2.00 per hour, or $100.00 per hour?
It will depend upon the market, and what restrictions have been placed upon the producer.
It has been said, that we all face the future at sixty seconds per minute, and sixty minutes per hour. However, the cost for some is uncertain.
The expense is set in stone.
So, the next time you see that crop in the field, or the livestock, or the timber, or the fish in the market, try to see the product as time that is for sale. You are buying someone’s time.
How much is your time worth?
That is all we have to sell.

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