My back is against the wall.
I’ve seen my water taken away, and the acres that my family farmed for generations lay fallow. I worked within the rules and regulations put upon me, until my ability to produce was stopped.
The people I once employed, now receive their food from a community food bank. The food, often purchased by my government from foreign nations.
My back is against the wall.
I’ve watched my neighbors loose their homes and land, when the land could no longer produce the food that paid their bills and employed their loyal workers, because of regulations.
My back is against the wall.
The land which I have raised generations of cattle and sheep upon, have been deemed off limits by our federal government. Yet the same government sells the mineral rights to foreign interests.
Where once I raised a family, had neighbors who worked as hard as me, and provided for the future of my nation, now I am alone.
My backs against the wall.
Where once my father and grandfather harvested and replanted timber, for future generations to build a nation and build a community, the timber and communities are dying or dead.
My back is against the wall.
Where once my father worked in the coal mines, and supported a family and community, my town and community is dead. The coal is still there, the furnaces still exist, and I am still here to do the labor. The only change, is government policies, and my back is against the wall.
Elections change the direction of a nation… time.
But for now, my back is against the wall.
How long I will stand, is yet to be seen. Change takes time. Time my neighbors and friends did not have, their time with their back against the wall ended years ago. They fell.
My back is against the wall…….
(I write this, as my perspective, of what the American producer faces today.)

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